Jumat, 23 Januari 2009


Faculty of Humanities and Languages

∙ Department of Arabic
∙ Department of English
∙ Department of Hindi
∙ Department of History and Culture
∙ Department of Islamic Studies
∙ Department of Persian
∙ Department of Urdu

Faculty of Social Sciences

∙ Adult and Continuing Education and Extension
∙ Economics
∙ Political Science
∙ Psychology
∙ Sociology
∙ Social Work
∙ Commerce and Business Studies

Faculty of Natural Sciences

∙ Physics
∙ Chemistry
∙ Mathematics
∙ Geography
∙ Biosciences
∙ Computer Science
∙ Bio-Technology

Faculty of Education

∙ Educational Studies
∙ Teacher Training and Non-Formal Education
(Institute of Advanced Studies in Education)

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

∙ Civil Engineering
∙ Mechanical Engineering
∙ Electrical Engineering
∙ Electronics and Communication Engineering
∙ Applied Sciences and Humanities
∙ Computer Engineering
∙ Jamia Polytechnic

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Architecture and Ekistics
Department of Architecture

Faculty of Dentistry

Faculty of Fine Arts

∙ Department of Painting
∙ Department of Sculpture
∙ Department of Applied Art
∙ Department of Art Education
∙ Department of Graphic Art
∙ Department of Art History and Art Appreciation

University Centres

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